Martín is a 13-year-old orphan shoeshine boy from La Paz, Bolivia, who has lived his entire life in the streets with the hope and desire to find his father. Driven by this desire and his imagination, Martin begins to suspect that one of his best clients is his father; Mr Novoa, a lonely tailor whose only emotional bond is his dog, Astor, a fine German shepherd whom he cares for like a son.
Vinko Tomičić | Screenplay |
Vinko Tomičić | Director |
Sergio Armstrong | Director of Photography |
Omar El Kadi | Co-Producer |
Edher Campos | Executive Producer |
Matías de Bourguignon | Executive Producer |
Urzula Barba Hopfner | Editor |
Luis Kushner | Associate Producer |
Mario Mazzarotto | Co-Producer |
Gabriela Maire | Producer |