Captivated by the lure of sudden wealth, the quiet rural lives of two brothers erupt into conflicts of greed, paranoia and distrust when over $4 million in cash is discovered at the remote site of a downed small airplane. Their simple plan to retain the money while avoiding detection opens a Pandora's box when the fear of getting caught triggers panicked behavior and leads to virulent consequences.
Arthur Coburn | Editor |
Scott B. Smith | Screenplay |
Danny Elfman | Original Music Composer |
Sam Raimi | Director |
Greg Bubb | "B" Camera Operator |
Robert C. Carlson | First Assistant "B" Camera |
Ed Dally | Second Assistant "B" Camera |
Afshin Shahidi | Second Assistant Camera |
J.R. Thompson | First Assistant "B" Camera |
Gary D. Scott | First Assistant Camera |