In this bittersweet family comedy, shy teenager Libby moves back to Israel to live with her hapless father Shaul, unexpectedly finding herself without a home as war breaks out around them. Shaul devises a creative solution: posing as refugees, they are taken in by a wealthy family in Jerusalem. Finally in a “normal” household, Shaul and Libby begin to build their father-daughter relationship, but their false identities can’t last forever.
Maya Kenig | Director |
Dana Dimant | Writer |
Maya Kenig | Writer |
Itay Vinograd | Director of Photography |
Or Ben David | Editor |
Iris Blumenstein | Casting |
Ido Dolev | Production Design |
Yael Kredo | Costume Design |
David Bedser | Line Producer |
Janja Kralj | Co-Producer |