The Junior Defenders is a quirky comedy about the cast of a 1970s TV superhero show. With a fan base that rivals Star Trek's, The Junior Defenders is one of the top hits of its era. Twenty-five years after the show's sudden cancellation, a crazed fan named Norman Nields goes on a cross-country mission to kidnap the show's four washed-up ex-child stars, take them back to Hollywood, and then force them at gunpoint to act in his brand-new episode of The Junior Defenders.
Keith Spiegel | Director |
Jeff Lawson | First Assistant Director |
Wendy Holmes | Second Assistant Director |
Cabot Orton | Executive Producer |
Brooke Ciardelli | Producer |
Laura Andrews | Art Direction |
Stephen Beattie | Editor |
Jason Fearon | Production Design |
Bill Simmon | Second Assistant Camera |
Bill Simmon | Still Photographer |