Made in the budget of Rs. 85,000, this is the debut film of Sarat Pujari. The tale of Goddess Lakshmi leaving the temple to teach brothers Lord Jagannath and Lord Balabhadra a lesson was presented in the movie. This movie later remade in Hindi as "Jai Jagannath". Prashant Nanda acted as child Shri Krushna. Geeta Dutt was in the Hindi version. Famous singer Hemant Kumar also given voice in this film.
Satyanarayan Panda | Screenplay |
Satyanarayan Panda | Lyricist |
Biswanath Nayak | Director |
Biswanath Nayak | Editor |
Krushna Chandra Tripathy Sharma | Producer |
Satyanarayan Panda | Dialogue |
Satyanarayan Panda | Story |
Ramananda Sengupta | Director of Photography |
Nachiketa Ghosh | Music |