Follows the story of Seconds Khumalo, a retiring boxer from the East Rand preparing for his final fight. Seconds is left to train under Jerry van Tonder, an ill-equipped 32 year-old daddy's boy, his father Pa van Tonder trained Second for years but after the family feels threatened that an unspoken contract might be broken, they are left with no choice but to end matters on their own terms.
Natalie Varoy | Editor |
Vuyelwa Mpela | Executive Producer |
Guy Steer | Sound Designer |
Michelle Cronje | Art Direction |
Andrico Goosen | Writer |
Tsholo Mashile | Producer |
Mpilo Masuku | Sound |
Jono Kyriakou | Director of Photography |
Teane Maseko | Original Music Composer |
Helga Palmer | Executive Producer |