Malik, a young Parisian hustler, discovers that his stepfather Serge, a famous bank robber, has been arrested along with his accomplices. During the trial, Iris, one of the accused's lawyers, Chérif, requests Malik to accept a dangerous heist in exchange for Serge and her client's liberty. Malik must convince and reunite Chérif's former partners to accomplish this high-risk stickup.
Aimée Buidine | Producer |
Julien Madon | Producer |
Philippe Guez | Line Producer |
Léo Lefèvre | Director of Photography |
Laurent Hanon | Production Manager |
Killian Martin | Production Trainee |
Leo Bourdon | Third Assistant Director |
Jean-Christophe Bourgeois | Special Effects Supervisor |
Maurice Grégoire | Special Effects Technician |
Julien Duverger | Stunt Double |