In the wake of their Amma's deteriorating health, estranged brothers Rajesh and Shiva reunite, only to clash over BREATHE, an app offering to erase painful memories from their brains. Rajesh, a realist, and Shiva, a BREATHE addict, grapple with divergent approaches to coping. Against the backdrop of a society seduced by memory erasure, their battle becomes a poignant exploration of family, culture, technology, and the human spirit's resilience.
Shrevy Venkatesh | Creator |
Anvita Gattani | Director |
Mackenzie Packer | Writer |
Shrevy Venkatesh | Assistant Editor |
Heather Lynn Wong | BTS Photographer |
Sònia Victoria Werner | Producer |
Melina Rabin | Props |
Todd Lai | Key Grip |
Natalia Ferrara | Set Decoration |
Kiera Williams | Second Assistant Director |