The film centres on a young girl living with her father and her grandmother in a small hut near the border far away from the local village. Marked by her “butterfly wings”, a rare bone condition she inherited from her mother, the girl has been the source of the community’s superstition forever. When the local cattle are struck down by a mysterious disease, fear starts spreading among the villagers.
Veselka Kiryakova | Producer |
Kaloyan Bozhilov | Director of Photography |
Ekaterina Churilova | Writer |
Milko Lazarov | Writer |
Milko Lazarov | Director |
Veselka Kiryakova | Editor |
Simeon Ventsislavov | Writer |
Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu | Co-Producer |
Eike Goreczka | Co-Producer |
Christoph Kukula | Co-Producer |