"Golpe a golpe" (Family coup) was a Chilean television sitcom from the 1970s and 1980s. In this series, the family of the stern anti-communist dictator Augusto Pinochet found themselves forced to share their home with the spirit of the late former socialist president Salvador Allende, who was portrayed by a puppet. This short film aims to salvage this show's existence by extracting fragments from its surviving material.
Diego Cumplido | Director |
Lucas Engel | Producer |
Jose Hosiasson | Executive Producer |
Cristóbal León | Co-Producer |
Eva Vera Cuadra | Director of Photography |
Francisco Schultz | Assistant Director |
Laura Salinas | Camera Operator |
Natalia Medina | Camera Operator |
Juan Millán | First Assistant Camera |
Emilio Gutiérrez | Second Assistant Camera |