During the Second World War, in 1943, Anne Frendo, a young dreamer and artist, living alone with her father in Tunisia, discovers, by chance, the lifeless body of a French soldier, parachuted in. At the invitation of her aunt, Sophie Frendo, an Egyptologist, she sets out on a journey that leads her to Sfax, Egypt, taking with her a letter that the soldier had begun to write, and which seems to be intended for her.
Éric Heumann | Director |
Jacques Lebas | Writer |
Marc Sillam | Producer |
François-Olivier Rousseau | Writer |
Éric Heumann | Writer |
Catherine Hofer | Second Assistant Director |
Olivier Sarfati | Location Manager |
Amedeo Pagani | Associate Producer |
Reinhard Brundig | Associate Producer |
François-Olivier Rousseau | Dialogue |