The story revolves around the postman delivering his last letter set in the period of 1971 during the Indo-Pak war. The postman in the film is impatient carrying the terrible news of the war. He is muddled between the war he is fighting within himself and the war with his duty because of the pessimistic dilemma around him.
Pankaj Sonawane | Writer |
Pankaj Sonawane | Director |
Namita Gogate | Co-Producer |
Piyush Shah | Sound Designer |
Bhushan Nandkumar Humbe | Executive Producer |
Pravin Anarse | Assistant Director |
Lalit Khachane | Visual Effects Supervisor |
Sandeep Mohite Patil | Producer |
Makarand Bharat Shinde | Editor |
Kiran Waghmare | Art Direction |