In the outskirts of Bangalore lies Kondana, a fiery ASI in a fictional Bangalore outpost, clashing with a local gangster. Meanwhile, his love life with Sahana faces hurdles. ACP Lakshmi hunts a notorious criminal, while Raju struggles to save his ailing son. As these lives intertwine, a singular case in Kondana becomes the focal point, linking them all in a tale of mystery and connection.
Devi Prasad Shetty | Director |
Devi Prasad Shetty | Writer |
Devi Prasad Shetty | Producer |
Sathwik Hebbar | Producer |
Arvind Shetty | Co-Producer |
Gagan Baderiya | Music Director |
Bhavani Shankar Anekallu | Art Direction |
Shashank Narayana | Editor |