The film follows Gabriel Angel (Rakie Ayola), a young Caribbean aviator who falls in love with the forger Duncan Stewart (Jonathan Pryce) on her journey to England. Stewart is pursued by his nemesis Rex Goodyear (John Hurt), and the group are supported by Dr Angela Bead (Vanessa Redgrave) and Miss Gwendolyn Quim (Dorothy Tutin), retired missionaries who become lovers during the voyage.
Beeban Kidron | Director |
Rachel Portman | Original Music Composer |
John Stothart | Editor |
Tony Burrough | Production Design |
Matthew Hamilton | Associate Producer |
Jeanette Winterson | Writer |
Remi Adefarasin | Director of Photography |
Les Lansdown | Costume Design |
Mark Kebby | Art Direction |
John Hill | Art Direction |