Hennessy is delighted to announce the global launch of Life is the Greatest Odyssey, the third instalment of the Maison’s Odyssey opus, a poignant visual experience directed by Academy Award-winning filmmaker Damien Chazelle. Embark on a sensorial adventure, experiencing the universal tale of life's journey, where memories, places, people, sounds, and emotions unite in a whirlwind of experiences, all evoked by a single drop of Hennessy X.O cognac.
Tereza Kalova | Line Producer |
Sophie Reine | Editor |
Bastien Adam | Post Producer |
Rebecca Skinner | Executive Producer |
Emmanuelle Youchnovski | Costume Design |
Arturo Balseiro Santos | Makeup Artist |
Damien Chazelle | Director |
Filip Hedjuk | Executive Producer |
Henrich Boráros | Production Design |
Florencia Martin | Production Design |