Missy (Justina Valentine), a recovering drug addict balances her dysfunctional family, a heroin addict father (Lenny Clarke) and her street bred brother (Johnny Hickey). These lives intertwine with the collateral damage of the Boston's "Methadone Mile"" - A homeless safe haven for drug addicts, where three methadone clinics, the Boston County Jail, and two homeless shelters encompass a three block radius in the heart of Boston. Missy's journey is a roller coaster ride of releasing with the drugs destroying everyone and everything around her, as she fumbles to find GOD and redemption.
Johnny Hickey | Director |
Johnny Hickey | Screenplay |
Andrew Rotondi | Story |
Jimmy Scanlon | Writer |
Paul Buhl | Producer |
Jijo Reed | Executive Producer |
Andrew Rotondi | Producer |
Todd Rotondi | Executive Producer |
Jimmy Scanlon | Producer |
Jordan Wiseley | Producer |