

0 | 2023-07-28 | Drama Fantasy

"Imaji" follows Agas, a 12-year-old boy, amidst the constant discord of his parents' arguments. A trivial incident involving spilled chocolate milk prompts yet another altercation, prompting Agas to seek refuge in his vivid imagination: a whimsical house inhabited by Sura, his imaginary friend. Determined to quell his parents' strife by cleaning his stained shirt, Agas enlists Sura's reluctant help. However, their efforts lead to conflict as Sura's playful nature clashes with Agas's mission. As rain complicates Agas's task, desperation sets in. Sacrificing his beloved toys to dry his shirt, Agas inadvertently saddens Sura. Yet, through reconciliation, they engage in a final game, with Agas wagering Sura's departure. Emerging triumphant, Agas returns to reality, presenting his clean shirt as a symbol of resolution to his mother. "Imaji" is a poignant short film exploring the resilience of childhood innocence amidst familial turmoil.

Featured Crew

Phillip Martin Writer
Dian Alicia Director of Photography
Vincent Avielo Sentosa Writer
Arung Raditya Writer
Arung Raditya Director
Sam Lau Producer



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