Fuelled by a desperation and determination to break free from their abusive and dysfunctional home life, Violet, a straight-A student, persuades Alexis, her naive yet glamorous younger sister, into a series of unconventional and dangerous decisions to generate income. With big dreams of stardom, New York City, and a 1970's flair, the bond between the two sisters is put to the test when we see just how far each of them are willing to go in pursuit of their independence.
Munis Alanazi | Casting Director |
Jack Murray | Producer |
Joe Dudgeon | Assistant Director |
Lola Rose | Director of Photography |
Felix Benson | Director of Photography |
Ava Scott-Nadal | Director |
Mila Harrison | Camera Operator |
Athena Spillius | Production Design |
Jordan Gresham | Makeup & Hair |
Maarek Ferry | Editor |