Wayward actor, Jerry Stax is whisked away by concerned pal, Terry Ruggles, to a remote locale in deep Americana, where an enigmatic "Doctor" runs an extraordinary clinic for creative rejuvenation. While there, Jerry navigates his way through the various stimuli of the other curious "participants" and seemingly inexplicable methods of Dr. Buck. Soon enough, outside forces threaten the sanctity of Buck's operation, as strange familial ties and unquiet minds unravel.
Keith Hamilton Putnam | Director of Photography |
Aaron Griffin | Sound Designer |
Emmanuel Germond | Sound Mixer |
Minu Park | Gaffer |
Summer Melody Evans | Assistant Editor |
Kaitlyn Stoner | Hair Department Head |
Tristan Chilvers | Music |
Charles Hager | Key Grip |
Bryan Colvin | Editor |
Jonas Ball | Writer |