In a cannibal-ravaged city, a girl named Magdalena tries to survive on her own, while searching for a rescue from a devastated Earth. While seeking for food, Magdalena sees an airship that could be her rescue from this planet, but gets attacked by a group of cannibals. She is rescued by Vuk, who takes her to his bunker and gives her a false sense of security. Afterwards he tries to eat her himself, but a group of girls, led by Talia, rescues Magdalena from Vuk, with whom she goes searching for a new life on a new planet, called Hope.
Milan Todorović | Supervising Producer |
Tanasije Raković | Line Producer |
Anđela Radojević | Producer |
Bojana Conić | Line Producer |
Aleksa Mirosavljević | Editor |
Vladislav Andrejević | Cinematography |
Janko Đurić | Director |
Lazar Ivanović | Producer |
Sara Stevanović | Compositor |
Fabio Grandinetti | Compositor |