Jay Parini finds himself stuck in a Morris Minor, chauffeuring the brilliant, blind Jorge Luis Borges through Scotland. Quiet and conservative, 23-year-old student Parini dreams of becoming a writer but is at a loss to make sense of the wild, irrepressible 70-year-old Borges. As the journey takes a surreal turn, their differences magnify until, in the tradition of a classic road trip, the two ultimately find common ground.
Marc Turtletaub | Director |
Oren Moverman | Writer |
Jay Parini | Book |
Alex Polunin | Producer |
Michael B. Clark | Producer |
Marc Turtletaub | Producer |
Tim Foley | Producer |
Stephen Burt | Executive Producer |
Leontine Petit | Co-Producer |
Erik Glijnis | Co-Producer |