Three orphans, Olive, Paula, and Bettina, escape captivity and are adopted by Amanda and Lito, who lost their daughter, Malena. The orphans discover that Malena, now possessed by a demon due to her parents' pact, is imprisoned in the stockroom. As Malena hunts them down, the orphans are coerced into robbing the couple. The conflict leads to several deaths, including the couple's. Olive and Bettina escape, promising to care for each other.
Emerzon Texon | Music |
Fatima Nerikka P. Salim | Sound Designer |
Immanuel Verona | Sound Designer |
Matthew Lorenzo | Editor |
Nancy Arcega | Production Design |
Eli Balce | Director of Photography |
Artemio Abad | Creative Consultant |
Janina Elaine Maquidang | Associate Producer |
NiƱa De Castro | Supervising Producer |
Vincent del Rosario III | Producer |