In this reimagined version of SpongeBob SquarePants, the beloved cartoon is transformed into a gothic 3D claymation masterpiece. Set in the eerie town of Rock Bottom, this interpretation explores darker themes while retaining the humour and charm of the original series. The Burtonesque art style and atmospheric storytelling make this a standout work in the SpongeBob Reimagined series.
Adam Belfer | Producer |
James Belfer | Producer |
Noah Pardo | Producer |
Nika Maisuradze | Art Direction |
Nika Maisuradze | Director |
Nikoloz Baloo Kuparadze | Concept Artist |
Rena Chachanidze | Concept Artist |
Tamo Nebieridze | Concept Artist |
Oto Shamugia | Project Manager |
Irakli Kiladze | Lead Animator |