Pharaohplex Productions is excited to unveil "No Service," an exhilarating time travel adventure currently being shot entirely in the charming towns of Hamilton and Corvallis, Montana. This film will follow a young girl from the future who will find herself unexpectedly transported to the 1990s in a quaint town. With a storyline that blends futuristic thrills with nostalgic small-town life, "No Service" features the vibrant involvement of local community members who are helping bring this Montana-made masterpiece to life. Prepare to be captivated by a unique blend of past and future—"No Service" coming soon.
Kyle Weingart | Director |
Joe McLean | Director |
Kyle Weingart | Writer |
Joe McLean | Writer |
Joe McLean | Executive Producer |
Laura Pieri | Line Producer |
Zuzu Weingart | Co-Producer |
Nick DeBoer | Cinematography |
Joseph R. Myers | Production Design |
Sonia Antar | Costume Design |