Funky Squad was a short-lived 1995 Australian comedy television series which satirised 1970s-era U.S. police television dramas, such as The Mod Squad. Only 7 half-hour episodes were produced, which were broadcast on the ABC. Real television commercials from the 1970s were shown during the program's "commercial breaks". The show featured four "funky" undercover detectives: undetectable as police, given their "hipness". The conclusion of each episode was deliberately designed to be incredibly predictable: usually the perpetrator of the crime under investigation could be identified within the first few minutes of the episode.
Santo Cilauro | Writer |
Santo Cilauro | Producer |
Santo Cilauro | Director |
Tom Gleisner | Writer |
Tom Gleisner | Producer |
Tom Gleisner | Director |
Jane Kennedy | Writer |
Jane Kennedy | Producer |
Jane Kennedy | Director |
Debra Herman | Producer |