Shin, an ordinary and unremarkable college student, must don the mask of justice as the new Samyan-Man, stepping into the role of the previous Samyan-Man who mysteriously disappeared a decade ago. However, the return of this new Samyan-Man brings an unseen threat to the community, putting its safety at risk once again.
Thirati Minpaphapat | Director |
Pornchai Suphapongsawat | Producer |
Thirati Minpaphapat | Screenplay |
Pornchai Suphapongsawat | Assistant Director |
Jakkaphat Rungsang | Casting |
Jakkaphat Rungsang | Location Manager |
Jakkaphat Rungsang | Production Manager |
Tanyakorn Sirawut | Camera Operator |
Plaifah Judpoon | Art Direction |
Tarntham Chanthaurai | Costume Designer |