Check out the hilarious story of luck and misadventures of Tino, a family man whose life is transformed after he wins the lottery. Dazzled by wealth, this boaster spends all his money on a life of luxury and ostentation. But after finding out that he is bankrupt, he faces comical situations: besides not telling his wife he is broke because she is pregnant and cannot get upset, Tino must accept help from his neighbor who is an extremely thrifty financial adviser and the only one capable of getting him out of the rut.
Juarez Pavelak | Director of Photography |
Paulo Cursino | Writer |
Claudio Amaral Peixoto | Art Direction |
Roberto Santucci | Director |
Ula Schliemann | Art Direction |
Débora Ivanov | Producer |
Angélica Lopes | Writer |
Claudia Büschel | Executive Producer |
Sandi Adamiu | Co-Producer |
Caio Gullane | Producer |