Set against the lush backdrop of rural Laos, this spirited drama tells the story of scrappy ten-year-old Ahlo, who yearns to break free from his ill-fated destiny. After his village is displaced to make way for a massive dam, Ahlo escapes with his father and grandmother through the Laotian outback in search of a new home. Along the way, they come across a rocket festival that offers Ahlo a lucrative but dangerous chance to prove his worth.
David Macfarlane | Executive Producer |
Pete Baxter | Production Design |
Brooke Trezise | Sound Designer |
Kim Mordaunt | Writer |
Sylvia Wilczynski | Producer |
Caitlin Yeo | Musical |
Pauline Phayvanh Phoumindr | Producer |
Kim Mordaunt | Director |
Andrew Commis | Director of Photography |
Sam Petty | Sound Designer |