A young college student and a group of friends find themselves victims of demons unwillingly released during a mishap at a prestiguous university. To reverse the curse and save themselves, they travel to the forbidden mystical forest in western Ukraine. There, they must locate the legendary Molfars that can help rid them of demonic possession and save each of them from certain death. Danger lurks in the forest and personality clashes add to the tension as the young students fight for survival.
Andrex Selivanov | Screenplay |
Liubomyr Levytskyi | Screenplay |
Mark Eberle | Director of Photography |
Liubomyr Levytskyi | Director |
Andrex Selivanov | Producer |
Natalia Daniuk | Music |
Viktor Shevchenko | Location Manager |
Serhii Shliakhtiuk | Second Unit Director |
Dmytro Nedria | Camera Operator |
Oleh Verenko | Digital Compositor |