This Pirates of Penzance is primarily a historical document, part of the Broadway Theater Archive television series. It presents, with some inevitable, tiny technical shortcomings, a live 1980 performance in Central Park, not the 1983 movie of the same name that also starred Linda Ronstadt and Kevin Kline. Those who remember that film, which had the benefit of retakes and editing, a lavish production budget, and the spaciousness of a Hollywood studio, may find this video less polished. On its own terms, it is nonetheless thoroughly enjoyable.
Joseph Papp | Producer |
Joshua White | Director |
J. Roy Helland | Makeup Designer |
Patricia McGourty | Costume Design |
Ken Gutstein | Editor |
Nick Hutak | Lighting Director |
Ira Kushin | Music Coordinator |
Don Ketteler | Sound Designer |
Bob Shaw | Set Designer |
Mark Molesworth | Production Manager |