The story of the legendary wits who lunched daily at the Algonquin Hotel in New York City during the 1920s. The core of the so-called Round Table group included short story and poetry writer Dorothy Parker; comic actor and writer Robert Benchley; The New Yorker founder Harold Ross; columnist and social reformer Heywood Broun; critic Alexander Woollcott; and playwrights George S. Kaufman, Marc Connelly, Edna Ferber and Robert Sherwood.
Aviva Slesin | Director |
Aviva Slesin | Producer |
Aviva Slesin | Executive Producer |
Stephen Samuels | Executive Producer |
Donna Marino | Editor |
Peter Foges | Writer |
Mary Jo Kaplan | Writer |
Minda Novek | Researcher |
Morning Slayter | Sound Mixer |
Peter Miller | Sound Recordist |