Originally known simply as Kamen Rider Black during its theatrical release. Children all over Tokyo mysteriously disappear without warning. Kotaro suspects that the Gorgom are behind the abductions and follows a suspicious-looking tour bus with children on it, only to lose its trail off a cliff. With the help of a fisherman, Kotaro travels to a remote island and uses his abilities as Kamen Rider Black to save the children and foil Gorgom's latest evil scheme.
Osamu Kaneda | Action Director |
Naomi Akimori | Art Direction |
Eiji Kawamura | Original Music Composer |
Junkichi Sugano | Editor |
Susumu Yoshikawa | Producer |
Shozo Uehara | Screenplay |
Katsumi Ota | Sound Recordist |
Fumio Matsumura | Director of Photography |
Yoshinori Watanabe | Executive Producer |
Nagafumi Hori | Producer |