The film features the remnant Ayakashi who seek to revive Dokoku Chimatsuri, but instead revive the Goseigers' nemesis Buredoran of the Comet as the Gedoushu Buredoran Chimatsuri. To make matters worse, Takeru Shiba has been brainwashed into serving Buredoran as Gedou Shinken Red.
Noboru Takemoto | Director |
Kento Shimoyama | Screenplay |
Takashi Hirajo | Producer |
Hideyuki Fukuhara | Producer |
Takeyuki Suzuki | Producer |
Hidefumi Matsuda | Producer |
Naoya Kinoshita | Producer |
Noboru Sugiyama | Executive Producer |
Kazuki Hikita | Executive Producer |
Saburo Yatsude | Original Series Creator |