Rudolph Strelitz, known as 'Barrabas', is the leader of a brutal underground gang causing chaos and destruction in the lives of civilized people. A lawyer, Claude Varèse, is strongly determined to bring Strelitz to justice for the purpose of revenge, after his father was unjustly guillotined for the murder of Laure d'Hérigny, the mistress of an American millionaire. Later, the sister of Claude Varèse, Françoise, is kidnapped by Dr Lucius, one of the henchmen of Barrabas. Serialised over 12 chapters.
Léon Morizet | Camera Operator |
Georges Lafont | Camera Operator |
Maurice Champreux | Camera Operator |
Louis Feuillade | Director |
Maurice Champreux | Editor |
Louis Feuillade | Screenplay |
Maurice Level | Screenplay |