This romantic drama by Michelangelo Antonioni follows the love life of Vittoria, a beautiful literary translator living in Rome. After splitting from her writer boyfriend, Riccardo, Vittoria meets Piero, a lively stockbroker, on the hectic floor of the Roman stock exchange. Though Vittoria and Piero begin a relationship, it is not one without difficulties, and their commitment to one another is tested during an eclipse.
Michelangelo Antonioni | Director |
Franco Ferrara | Conductor |
Michelangelo Antonioni | Story |
Tonino Guerra | Story |
Elio Bartolini | Co-Writer |
Ottiero Ottieri | Co-Writer |
Claudio Maielli | Sound |
Renato Cadueri | Sound |
Mario Bramonti | Boom Operator |
Gitt Magrini | Assistant Costume Designer |