An asteroid collision brought with it a deadly menace known as "Shinobi." Faced with destruction, humanity retreated to land reclaimed from the sea. The one ray of hope is a device that can fight the Shinbo called "The Mechanical Divine General." Ame, the princess of the refugees, and Suō, who carries the blood of the Yagyū family, must awaken its power in order to save the world.
Ukyo Kodachi | Screenplay |
Masayuki Sakoi | Director |
Norimitsu Kaiho | Screenplay |
Yasuharu Takanashi | Original Music Composer |
Takaaki Kidani | Original Concept |
Sunao Yoshida | Original Series Creator |
Shinov Mimori | Character Designer |
Mai Toda | Character Designer |
Eiji Inomoto | CGI Director |
Hajime Takakuwa | Sound Director |