The Moon Mask Rider is a tokusatsu movie produced by Purumie International/Herald Enterprises and distributed by Nippon Herald Pictures, was released theatrically on March 14, 1981. Considered Japan's answer to the American box-office fiasco, The Legend of the Lone Ranger (released the same year), this updated version of the Moonlight Mask legend bombed at the Japanese box-office. Daisuke Kuwahara (who, like Klinton Spilsbury , disappeared from doing films) plays George Owara (Moon Mask Rider's new alter-ego), and the rest of the cast made up of veteran action starlets: Sue Shihomi, Daijiro Harada and Takayuki Godai.
Yukihiro Sawada | Director |
Kazuo Yabe | Gaffer |
Yukihiro Sawada | Writer |
Hiroshi Tokuda | Production Design |
Minoru Nobuoka | Sound |
Kōhan Kawauchi | Creator |
Yoshihiro Yamazaki | Director of Photography |
Akira Suzuki | Editor |
Kōhan Kawauchi | Writer |
Setsu Asakura | Costume Design |