Su-chan, Mai-chan, Sawako-san follows the lives of three women who are former co-workers. 34-year-old Su-chan works at a coffee shop and has feelings for the manager there. 34-year-old Mai-chan works at an OA machine maker. She is in a relationship with a married man. 39-year-old Sawako works as a web designer and also takes care of her grandmother. -san and her mother take care of her grandmother.
Lee Hidemi | Editor |
Kasumi Yao | Producer |
Shin Kono | Music |
Miri Masuda | Writer |
Osamu Minorikawa | Director |
Yoshitaka Takeda | Producer |
Sachiko Tanaka | Writer |
Gen Kobayashi | Director of Photography |
Akiko Yano | Musician |