Mika Hino is a sharp-shooting investigator that belongs to the infamous "Gator Branch.” When an executive board member of a trading company is accused of being involved in a bribery, Mika is assigned to keep watch over him. A few nights later her target is found dead outside of his 30 floor office building. With an apparent suicide note as evidence, local police conclude the case as a suicide. Mika’s assignment may have ended in failure, but her mission has just begun...
Chūsei Sone | Director |
Rou Miura | Producer |
Ken Matsumoto | Music |
Shinji Yamada | Editor |
Tooru Shinohara | Comic Book |
Chūsei Sone | Screenplay |
Jun Takada | Screenplay |
Haruhiko Arai | Screenplay |
Nobuyuki Saitō | Assistant Director |
Masao Asada | Assistant Director |