Teppei and Kamiya, two average joes working in the electronic services industry, stumble upon the intergalactic bounty-hunter Ilia, and her partner, the artificial intelligence named Bob. Both men are accidentally transported to the Zone, a virtual reality in which Bob has trapped Ilia's latest prey, a biological weapon named Zeram. The Earth natives must both survive the experience and help Ilia capture Zeram before the Zone disappears around them.
Keita Amemiya | Writer |
Hajime Matsumoto | Writer |
Koichi Ohta | Original Music Composer |
Toshio Miike | Production Design |
Katsuya Terada | Costume Design |
Yoshinori Chiba | Executive Producer |
Koichi Sugisawa | Executive Producer |
Hiroshi Ichida | Producer |
Shigeki Takeuchi | Producer |
Keita Amemiya | Director |