This lively documentary explores the rise and fall of physical media from the origin of film all the way through the video store era into digital media, focusing on B-movie and cult films. With icons like Joe Bob Briggs (MonsterVision), Lloyd Kaufman (Toxic Avenger), Greg Sestero (The Room), Debbie Rochon (Return to Nuke 'Em High), Deborah Reed (Troll 2), Mark Frazer (Samurai Cop), James Nguyen (Birdemic) and many others.
Thomas Edward Seymour | Director |
Debbie Rochon | Producer |
Ron Bonk | Associate Producer |
Kenneth Powell | Director |
Jason Carvey | Producer |
Tim Kulig | Producer |
David Leute | Producer |
Stephanie Perez | Associate Producer |
Kenneth Powell | Executive Producer |
Kenneth Powell | Producer |