Set in 1941, the film delves into the complexities of rural life in Bengal. It sheds light on the oppressive Zamindari system, a social structure that perpetuates inequality and suffering. By exploring the lives of individuals caught within this system, the film offers a poignant commentary on the changing social dynamics and the growing discontent that would ultimately lead to significant transformations.
Tapan Sinha | Director |
Atul Chatterjee | Sound Recordist |
Bimal Mukherjee | Director of Photography |
Tapan Sinha | Screenplay |
Suniti Mitra | Art Direction |
Balai Sen | Assistant Director |
Shyam Lal Jalan | Producer |
Jatin Kundu | Makeup Artist |
Madan Pathak | Makeup Artist |
Tarasankar Bandyopadhyay | Story |