Loukis, after a successful break-in, manages to escape the police chase thanks to a younf flower seller named Krinoula who introduces herself as "Little Mouse". He will take her with him in his hideout where he lives with Vangelis, Hristina and their gang leader Costas. Loukis wants to live an honest life and so he rents a room with the Little Mouse and tries to astart over. Costas though is not yet ready to see his criminal gang disband...
Giorgos Asimakopoulos | Director |
Nikos Tsiforos | Director |
Giorgos Asimakopoulos | Writer |
Nikos Tsiforos | Writer |
Nikos Tsiforos | Producer |
Arghyris Kounadis | Music |
Kostas Theodoridis | Cinematography |
Giorgos Tsaoulis | Editor |
Nikos Varveris | Makeup Artist |
Thanassis Meritzis | Production Manager |