The true story of how Ray Kroc, a salesman from Illinois, met Mac and Dick McDonald, who were running a burger operation in 1950s Southern California. Kroc was impressed by the brothers’ speedy system of making the food and saw franchise potential. He maneuvered himself into a position to be able to pull the company from the brothers and create a billion-dollar empire.
Parry Creedon | Unit Production Manager |
Amir R. Khan | Second Assistant Director |
Phil Hardage | First Assistant Director |
Lauren Heath | Production Supervisor |
Bob Gorelick | "B" Camera Operator |
Andrew L. Ullman | Location Manager |
Dan Ming | First Assistant "A" Camera |
Kevin Schultz | Foley Mixer |
Stefan Fraticelli | Foley Artist |
Brook Willard | Digital Imaging Technician |