This charming musical comedy, set in turn-of-the-century Paris and based on George Feydeau's classic romp, "Tailleur Pour Dames," turns on a case of mistaken identity, chance meetings and deceptions big and small. Starring Charlotte Rae and Max Wright, this performance was taped in front of a live audience in New York, and was originally broadcast in 1974 as part of the Broadway Theater Archive's efforts to bring stage productions to television.
Georges Feydeau | Theatre Play |
Jerry Blatt | Songs |
Jac Venza | Executive Producer |
Matthew N. Herman | Producer |
Jon Jory | Writer |
Lonnie Burstein | Songs |
Tom H. John | Art Direction |
Donald Saddler | Choreographer |
Jerry Blatt | Music |
Carrie Robbins | Costume Design |