In this loose adaptation of "Hamlet," illegitimate son Kôichi Nishi climbs to a high position within a Japanese corporation and marries the crippled daughter of company vice president Iwabuchi. At the reception, the wedding cake is a replica of their corporate headquarters, but an aspect of the design reminds the party of the hushed-up death of Nishi's father. It is then that Nishi unleashes his plan to avenge his father's death.
Akira Kurosawa | Director |
Hideo Oguni | Writer |
Eijirō Hisaita | Writer |
Akira Kurosawa | Writer |
Ryūzō Kikushima | Writer |
Shinobu Hashimoto | Writer |
Akira Kurosawa | Producer |
Tomoyuki Tanaka | Producer |
Masaru Satō | Original Music Composer |
Yuzuru Aizawa | Director of Photography |