Living under the thumb of ruthless Thakur Vijay Singh (Amrish Puri), a small village finds hope in honest newcomer Ram (Jackie Shroff), who stands up to the bully. But Ram goes too far when he helps a certain young couple get married, and Singh's men exact a terrible revenge. Will the villagers ever get justice, or will Singh and his thugs continue to abuse the innocent? Poonam Dhillon, G. Asrani, Swapna and Raj Kiran co-star.
Vijay Reddy | Director |
Jagdish Kanwal | Dialogue |
Abbiah Naidu | Story |
Shanmugam Sundaram | Screenplay |
K. C. Bokadia | Producer |
Laxmikant Shantaram Kudalkar | Music |
Pyarelal Ramprasad Sharma | Music |
R. Chittibabu | Cinematography |
Subhash Sehgal | Editor |
Gautam Bokadia | Production Design |