The film is based on the biography of Valeri Chkalov (1904 - 1938), a Russian pilot, who set several long distance flight records. Chkalov and his co-pilots Baidukov and Belyakov together had accomplished several non-stop long-distance flights. In June of 1937 Chkalov set the world record, covering 12000 kilometers in 63 hours of non-stop flight from Moscow to Vancouver, Washington, flying over the North Pole.
Mikhail Kalatozov | Director |
Boris Chirskov | Writer |
Dmitri Tarasov | Writer |
Georgi Bajdukov | Writer |
Vasili Goryunov | Makeup Designer |
Yakov Antselovich | Producer |
D. Lander | Editor |
Arnold Shargorodsky | Sound Engineer |
Yevgeni Nesterov | Sound Engineer |
Semyon Derevyansky | Second Unit Director |