This immersive eight-hour documentary follows workers in a Virginia factory over the course of an entire day, from clock-in to clock-out. Long, unbroken sequences of assembly and fabrication focus on the bodies of African American and Vietnamese American workers, while both mobile and fixed cameras transform their acts into pure movement. Everson’s “shift-film” adjusts the frame on race, class, and labor, celebrating the everyday and imbuing working bodies with new dimensions.
Kevin Jerome Everson | Director of Photography |
Kevin Jerome Everson | Editor |
Kahlil Pedizisai | Camera Operator |
Rachel Lane | Sound Recordist |
Kevin Jerome Everson | Director |
Madeleine Molyneaux | Producer |
Jack Doerner | Camera Operator |
Nicole Chakeris | Camera Operator |
Nicole Chakeris | Sound Recordist |
Kevin Jerome Everson | Producer |