Gregor Schnitzler's heartbreaking drama focuses on a traumatized woman, who has to deal with a clinging young girl. After one of her students has died tragically, Thea Winkler quit her job as a teacher, and her husband Michael wants to end their marriage. She avoids to much contact with other people, but the grumpy woman -unfortunately- gets to know Rosa, a 10 years old overweight girl, searching for a substitute mother...
Gregor Schnitzler | Director |
Sabine Tettenborn | Producer |
Julia Fonseca | Sound Designer |
André Zoch | Producer |
Ivana Milos | Costume Design |
Marc Schmieder | Sound Mixer |
Marco Meister | Music |
Frank Bubenzer | Sound |
Tony Longequeue | Makeup Artist |
Sebastian Hünerfeld | Producer |